Giuseppe Morgante was born in Avezzano (Italy) in 1975 and since an early age, inheriting his love of music from “Grandfather Peppino”, he found himself quickly involved in activities of his hometown’s band. In 1995 he graduated in experimental electronics and telecommunications. While still finishing his high school, Giuseppe was also attending the electronic music course and graduating in the studying of the saxophone from the Alfredo Castella Conservatory of L’Aquila in 1988 with full marks.

Since childhood, despite his classical studies, he has been interested in all aspects of music: from the fathers of classical music to the greats of jazz; from the ” noisy” metals groups to the rock-pop; always with an attentive eye towards the world of current prog, both nationally and internationally.


– In 1995 he attended seminars with John Ramsay (drums teacher at Berkley College of Music in Boston), Bob Gullotti (percussionist at Berkley College of Music)

– In 1996 with Mick Goodrick ( Pat Metheny guitar teacher ), Bobby Watson (New York jazz saxophonist)

– In 1997 with George Garzone (NY saxophonist). With the Milano Jazz Gang (Milan’s dixsieland band), each seminar actively participates in the end of master concert.

– In 2013 he attended the master of composition: held by David Mc Hugh member of the Academy wards of the Hollywood oscars ” Composition for the screen” at the conservatory “L. D’Annunzio ”of Pescara.

From 1993 to date he has collaborated for the theatre company “Il Lanciavicchio” composing original musics performed live for the following shows: Memoirs of Buffoni, Aquarum , Terre di Principe , Never again crusades , Red Square , The adventure of a poor man Cristiano , AAAnima Vendesi , Pinocchio and the right not to be a puppet , Il Principe . Furthermore, Il Re dies , Journey into the Theater , The rooms of time , An excess of zeal , Fontamara (co-produced by the Teatro Stabile d’Abruzzo), Una giornata qualunque co-produced by Parco Nazionale Abruzzo-Lazio-Molise.               

From 2000 to 2010 he collaborated with the cultural association “Teatro dei colori’ composing original music for the following shows: Colors imagine the image , Stories of Kirikù , The river and the Sky Archer , Words to play in the maze of stories , The Secret , Antigone of Aurora , Golden and stars .     

Concerts and Tours

Concerts and Tours

In 2001 he participates as 1st tenor sax, in the Mozart week at the Teatro Marrucino in Chieti, with the Regional Wind Orchestra conducted by Maestro Paolo Cerasoli.

In 2002 he arranged the songs and edited the audio contributions for Wilma Goich’s tour .

From 2002 to 2012 he composed original music for RAI – ” Unomattina ” (acronym “Meteo and TG”), “Il Fatto del Giorno”, “Detto Fatto”.

In 2003 he arranges, plays and mixes, in collaboration with Paolo Capodacqua, for the songwriter “Claudio Lolli” on the occasion of the release of the CD ” collateral damage ” attached to: The Manifesto, L’Unità, and Liberazione.

In 2007 he took part as a pianist in the concert “Viva Villa”, for the Fondazione Musica per Roma with Riccardo Antonelli at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome, with Gianni Morandi, Gigi Proietti, Nicola Piovani, Tosca.  

In 2008 he took care of the arrangements and followed Bobby Solo’s Italian tour as saxophonist, guitarist and singer 

From 2009 to 2014 Co-creator, arranger, saxophonist, guitarist and bandleader , of the national tour ” Divas Live” with Lighea, Barbara Cola, Antonella Bucci, Lisa, Monica Hill, Valeria Romitelli.   

In 2010 Malta, Mediterranean Conference Center, performance at a press conference for the Christmas 2010 concert, broadcast on Rai 2 with Maestro R. Serio in the presence of the Maltese Minister of Culture.

From 2010 to today President of the TAMS Cultural Association, for which he composes and performs live music for the shows: Alice … between Dream and Reality, Alice in trouble, Lost Childhood, Red Cappuccino, The Stolen Years Delirium and conscience ( under construction).    

In 2011 he arranged and recorded in the studio the song “Dimenticarsi di Dimenticare” by and with Giovanna Nocetti and Paolo Limiti.

Arranges and takes care of the recording in the studio of the music for the theater show ” The heart in the mouth “, for the singer Lighea on texts by Elena Torre.   

In 2012 the Orchestra Saxophonist in the television broadcast “Punto su te!” on Rai 1.

In 2013 he arranges and records in the studio the song “What will there be inside a great love?” by and for Giovanna Nocetti and Paolo Limiti. Recording arrangements and studio mixing of “Love or Love” by Olga Litvin attached with the same novel published by Gangemi Editore presented by Arrigo Levi and Franco Lubrani.                                                                                                                                  

In 2014 and 2015 he takes care of the arrangements and follows the Italian tour of Scialpi as saxophonist, guitarist, singer .

In the same year he composed original music for the film production house “Madeleine” for the Docu -film ” Nuovi comizi d’amore ” by Italo Spinelli inspired by Pasolini’s “Comizi d’Amore”.

In 2015 he created, arranged and recorded in the studio the cd “Il gallo bello” by Roberto Piumini and Paolo Capodacqua, Gallucci publisher edition .  

From 2015 to today he takes care of the arrangements and follows as a saxophonist, guitarist, singer the Italian tour of Cornflower.

In 2016 he composed the original music for the animated film ” Angel of the seashore ” made by the internationally renowned artist Kseniya Simonova

Compositions and awards

Compositions and awards

In 2017 he composed the original soundtrack for the short film ” Enfants Perdus ” by Ermanno Dantini, awarded at the Rome Web Fest 2018 by the Rome Lazio Film Commission , and the soundtrack logo ” Unifilm ” for the same film production company.

In 2017 prize for the short film ” Angel of the seashore ” ( Palm Springs International Animation Festival PSIAF in the Sand Animation category )

In 2018 Finale Giffoni Film Festival with the short film ” Enfants Perdus “.

In the same year he took part in the concert with the singer-songwriter Paolo Capodacqua for the international week of Italian culture in Paris, taking the XIII Arrondissement as saxophonist-multi-instrumentalist.

Rome Lazio Film Commission Award for the short film “Enfants Perdus ” with Lidia Vitale.  

Music credits for the short film ” Il segreto ” produced by the film company ” C’era Produzione ” under the direction of Karin Proia , with Fabrizio Appolloni , Roberto D’Alessandro and Ilaria Amaldi .     

In 2019 he takes care of the arrangements, studio recording and plays Piano, acoustic guitar, sax and ciaramella for the album of the singer-songwriter Paolo Capodacqua ” Ferite e feritoie “, which sees the collaboration of Roberto Piumini, Kay Mc Karthy , Pippo Pollina, Michele Gazich , Flaco Biondini, Nicola Alesini , Roberto Soldati, Giacomo Lelli, Naira Gonzalez .

In the same year he composed the soundtrack for the short film ” Colors ” by Ermanno Dantini with Alessandro Fella.

He made the soundtrack for the short film ” Punto di rottura (Single point of failure ) ” by Janet De Nardis with Lidia Vitale Francesco Stella Sofia Bruscoli Francesco Ferdinandi , finalist at the David di Donatello 2020, Berlin International Film Festival ( Berlinale ) 2020, and winner of the public award at CortinaMetraggio 2020 and Best Short Seoul WebFest 2020       

In the same year he created the solora column for the Italian-American TV series ” Sisters by choice ” with the direction of Manuela Metri with Marisa Laurito, Fiordaliso, Fioretta Mari, Andy Luotto, Linda Battista, Franco Neri, Edmond Budina , written by Louisa Burns -Bisogno and Manuela Metri with a technical and artistic cast of clear fame, ranging from Oscar winner Blasco Giurato (director of photography for Nuovo Cinema Paradiso by Tornatore ) to the winner of David di Donatello Raimondo Crociani , historical editor of Ettore Scola’s films , Alberto Sordi Steno .          

He composes the music for the sand animation short “Thank You for This Beauty” by Kseniya Simonova.

In 2021 he composed the incidental music for “L’allevatore di regine” produced by the Lanciavicchio theater.

Official song for the Digital Media Fest.